Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Gymnastic Fun

I went with Kelly and her kids to the YMCA for Ella's Gynmastics class. Afterwards we went to the mat room to play around. Click on the right to view more pictures....


Jason and Carrie said...

Looks like fun! Is Vera going to be a liitle gymnast too?!?!

beth ewing said...

what fun! it's so fun that she has cousins. how old are they?

beth ewing said...

never mind. i went on their site and it tells you. i was just wondering how close in age they all are. it'll be fun that they'll all get to grow up together. and once vera is a little bit older, they'll all be trouble together.

Jess said...

You must be having so much fun spending so much time with the family these last few weeks. I am so glad you are able to do this now while Vera is so little cause they grow up so fast and the baby in them you only get to see once! Love the photos!