Friday, January 12, 2007

sleepy head

Vera amazes Clay and I more and more each day... Last night Vera slept for 8 HOURS! That might not mean much to some of you, but to parents of an 8 week old that is huge. I thought it could not get any better but I finally had to wake her up at 9am this morning after sleeping another 5 hours. Clay wanted me to let her sleep but I have to keep her on a schedule! I took some shots of her sleeping so peaceful. She loves her hands and looks just like me when I sleep.... It is hard to believe but we swaddle her with her hands in the blanket. She manages to get those big hands out every time. As you can see she thinks it is funny!


Anonymous said...

i told you that schedule would work. after miller hit 8 hours, he hit 10 by like 10 weeks. she's right on schedule and doing great.

and we used to call miller, houdini, b/c he would manage to get his hands out every time we swaddled him. he could get them out before we even finished. must be a baby thing.

Duncan Family said...

So glad to hear Baby Wise works! Gives me hope for the next phase of 10 hours. I am a big fan of babywise, I think all Mom's should do it! IT WORKS

Jess said...

Love that smile!