Friday, April 06, 2007

Getting so big....

Vera is growing so fast. She learns something new everyday. Now that Clay finished school and has a few days off we have been enjoying some "Vera Time". We propped her up with tons of pillows and watched her sit up by herself. She amazes us everday! I hope you enjoy the video of her!

She loves to standing up. I stood her up in her crib which she thought was too cool.

Poor Baby Girl is teething. She is chewing on those hands 24-7 and droowling like crazy.

She loves to stand and I stood her up in her crib which she thought was too cool.


beth ewing said...

what a big girl. sitting up brings a whole new level of freedom for baby and mommy that is so fun.

hopefully her teething experience will be better than ours. miller started at that age and still has no teeth to show for it. poor kid!

Jess said...

what a little stinker. she looks like she knows she is getting to be independent and looks pretty excited about it!

Anonymous said...

Looks like her Pappa Norm