Thursday, March 29, 2007


We said goodbye to our family dog this week. My Mom got lady when my parents got a divorce. She wanted a dog for protection since she was living alone. She was a great dog but when Vera was born my Mom decided to move out of her house into a condo so she could travel to see us more. My Dad took Lady and moved her out to Montana with our other dog. She loved it out there in the west with Dad and Gen. Gen noticed a change in her and after several trips to the vet they found out she had cancer. She was in a lot of pain even with medicine so when my Dad was out visiting he put her down. We know she is in doggy heaven looking over our 14 year old dog Val. Dogs are such great compainions! She was loved ..........


beth ewing said...

are you trying to make us all cry?

Jess said...

NO KIDDING BETH!!! This is too sad and it breaks my heart! But at least she is now in a better place and in no pain. BUT GEEZ STILL MAKES ME CRY!!