Tuesday, February 26, 2008

a true johnson girl

"A true Johnson girl!" Vera's Great Grandma Johnson owns more jewelry than anyone I know. It is a passion of hers and it has trickled down all the way to Miss V! She got into my jewelry box today and had a blast. I better go out and get the play jewelry before she gets used to wearing Tiffany's!


Anonymous said...

Poor daddy! How could you resist that sweet pea? I can't! I hope she doesn't ask Pappa for diamonds.
Pappa Norm

Anonymous said...

She already knows that Diamonds
are a girl's best friend. And she
looks so serious while she tries
everything on!

Luv G-Ma Dreyer in Florida

Jason and Carrie said...

How cute are those pictures! I'm sure Great Grandma J will appreciate them!

Jess said...

that's our girl!