Wednesday, November 18, 2009

healing mommy

I had my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. I am so blessed to have my Mom and Dad down to care for myself and the kids since Clay is gone. V keeps asking me if I feel better yet and as you can see here Bubba is MOMMY's BOY!


Ross & Tricia McLain said...

He looks just like Clay in this picture!!

Hope you feel better soon!! I can remember how "not fun" that experience is. Take it easy and receive the help

Becky said...

I hope you feel better quickly - try to be careful not to get dry sockets. So painful, very slow to heal and painkillers don't work for it. Don't spit or suck on a straw!!

Jason and Carrie said...

Oh... no fun! Glad your Mom is there helping out! Get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon. Glad your mom & dad are there to help. Take it easy. Love You!! Aunt Mindy