Wednesday, April 02, 2008

doc appointment

Another doctor appointment this morning...
Everything is going well. I only gained one pound in two weeks, whoray! I am really tyring to watch my weight but still enjoy some pregnancy cravings (i.e. crispy creme donuts)!!
My only concern was the braxton hicks I have while I walk Vera. They don't hurt, but my tummy gets super tight a few times during our 2 mile stretch. She said not to worry, so I can keep walking but drink lots of water!
I thought this illustrations was funny!!!!


Anonymous said...

the illustration is funny BUY you
are my beautiful granddaughter
about to have another beautiful
great grandbaby! Luv you and Vera
and Daddy Clay bunches......
G-Ma Dreyer

Monica~ James~ Connor said...

Krispy Kremes!!!! can you not crave those? It's great you'be been able to stay so active with this pregnancy, should help with your labor. (Quick,easy labor vibes coming your way!) Hang in there you are almost there!

Laura @ live.laugh.photograph said...

i remember those days all too well! this is where the fun ends and the tough time begins! good luck Mommy!

Unknown said...

Oh the cravings...I miss not feeling guilty having Krispy Kremes! Now, I don't have an excuse!

Wally & Leah Hansen said...

Gotta love Braxton Hicks . I had those for months with Parker. I have to say though they did help me with tolerance to labor contractions and being able to breathe through them... Well I love the picture. And krispy cremes, that's hysterical. Enjoy while you can!