Thursday, January 20, 2011

avery and abbey

As most of you know we have had out adorable Westies, Avery and Abbey for a long time. I got Avery for Clay's birthday 8 years ago and Abbey two years later. They have been with me through deployments and adapted to life after children arrived.
Avery has had some health issues now that she is getting older and recently she nipped at Charlie that left marks on his hand.I love Avery but that love is nothing compared to the LOVE I have for my kids. I needed to make a tough decision.... After lots of prayers God answered mine and lead me to a Westie Rescue. I found an amazing women who LOVES Westies. She does not have children so these dogs are her children. They are adjusting well with her and living the life they had before kids came along, SPOILED ROTTEN!

1 comment:

Brooke and David said...

Seriously?! How sad!

How are you feeling about it!? and the are they?