Thursday, July 05, 2012

trip to the er

On our last day of the trip Vera and Charlie decided to have a pillow fight... Poor Charlie feel off bed right into the bed side table with his forhead. I will spare you the pictures but his skull was exposed it was so deep. I rushed him to the nearest ER and thankfully it was a clean enough cut they could dermabond it back together! Charlie was a trooper, unlike his sister who was an absolute wreck. She felt so bad that he hurt himself and was so freaked out by all the blood. It since has healed and the scar looks great! I'm impressed that this was the first time we have been to the ER to stitch something up on Charlie!
charlie cried for maybe 2 mintures...

he was very interested in his cut and thought it was cool

ER taking good care of him

his sister sharing her stitch with him! rough life


trip to McDonalds with icecream for being such a big boy

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