I feel like Miss Vera has been doing so many new things that I don't get to capture for everyone. I thought I would share them for all those Grandma's, Great Grandma's, Great Grandpa's, Grandpa's, Great Aunt's, Aunt's, Uncle's and God Mother's who check out duncansmiracle.....
Although we work on sign language with Vera she seems to want to speak instead. I think she is taking after her cousin Ella and talking early. She says, mo-mo-mo for more and do-gggg for dog. When I pointed to a picture of her cousin Ella and said her name, she repeats it. Her newest word is Uh-Oh when something goes wrong! HOW CUTE!
She loves to point at things right now. When you ask where something is (like a dog or ceiling fan) she will piont at it and try to say the word!
Her walking has improved so much. Before when she would fall she would finish up by crawling. But now that she can get up un-assisted and realizes she can go much faster, all she does is walk. She can pivot like a pro too! By the time we visit family in Florida she will be running!
She has 12 teeth now. She got her top 12 month molars a few weeks ago and they were a bear. The bottom two we didn't know about until we noticed them ourselves! She has a mouth full!
Pappa Norm taught her how to feed herself and now that is all she wants to do. She can use a spoon and fork! We are in for some messy meals now!
The funniest new thing she is doing is giving a HIGH FIVE! I taught her about a week ago and she loves it! I will try to get video of it for everyone.
We are so proud of our daughter and I know my family is too! Thanks for letting me brag on her!......