Charlie had his 4 month (almost a month late) well baby check up yesterday. There was a tornado the day of his original appointment and my fellow army wives know how hard it is to get well baby appointments....
He passed with flying colors. Doc said to tell the Grandparents so they can send him $$$!!!! He barely cried for the shots and did well the rest of the day and slept through the night last night! Vera tagged along and was a gem too! She got a Dora sticker, her favorite!
Weight is 18lbs 8oz 90%
Length is 27" 95%
Head Circumfrence is 18" 100%Doc thinks he is going to be 6'2" and slim! He will tower of Daddy he says! Big head like his sister too! Big head=Big brain!
I snuck in his room to take pictures of my babies ouchies....