Clay and I bought this onsie for Vera because we thought it was so fitting.
"WORTH THE WAIT". We are so blessed to have Vera in our lives. We tried so hard to get pregnant and we are so glad the Lord blessed us with Vera! She is the most precious thing that has happened to us...........
Clay was gone this weekend to visit his best friend in Florida, Vera's God Father and could hardly wait to get home to get some Vera lovin! Vera and I had a great time together this weekend. We got to visit with our friends and do some more house work. I stained our new office furniture while Clay was gone and finished decorating the house! WHORAY
I think Vera is going to cut some teeth any day now. Her bottom gums are starting to open up and they are really hurting her. Always fun dealing with a teething baby!

She loves her Daddy

She might not have my hair color but she has my eye color!